WOMEN'S HEALTH According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, any imbalance in the body can affect the menstrual cycle, periods and fertility. Acupuncture can also help with peri & menopausal symptoms. | DIGESTIVE HEALTH From mouth ulcers, reflux, bloating, IBS to hemarhoids. Digestive issues can impact our daily lives and take away the enjoyment of eating. | PAIN Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regards pain as a sign of an energy block which affects blood flow. Acupuncture is used to treat headaches, muscular pain, arthritis, joint pain, knee/ankle pain, sinus issues and back pain. |
FERTILITY Acupuncture is increasingly being used alongside fertility treatments. There is a growing body of research which suggests that acupuncture improves the chances of conception whether naturally or via IVF/ICSI. DURING PREGNANCY First trimester nourish the fetus Send trimester protecting baby and maintain good circulation and to keep your system balanced. From 36 weeks prepare for labour. | I'D LIKE TO STAY HEALTHY & WELL Did you know that acupuncture is used in the Far East to stay healthy and avoid illness. Acupuncture is also used at the time of season changes, to prepare for winter and to boost the immune system at the first sign of a cold. | EMOTIONAL WELLBEING Acupuncture aims to reduce stress by encouraging the body to lower cortisol levels and release endorphins. |
My name is Yasmin (aka 'Yas')
I'm a licensed acupuncturist & Tui Na practitioner and am a member of the British Acupuncture Council. My clinic is in Streatham, an area I've grown up in and love.
I have experienced first hand how powerful acupuncture can be in rebalancing the body in order to address the root cause of any illness. That's why I decided to become an acupuncturist! My goal is to help you feel well physically and mentally. Acupuncture & Tui Na treatments with me are not just about needles but a holistic experience which allows you to relax and therefore elicits your own body's healing response.
I also provide dietary and lifestyle advice based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles so that we can work together to improve your health or stay fit and well. ​I offer Tui Na massage as part of your treatment or on its own if you don't like needles.
Get in touch to find out more or book your treatments.